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1. The procedure for voting for, and election of, councilors is set by statute and rules of the North Carolina State Bar. District bar voting procedure with regard to matters relating to district bar dues is now statutorily prescribed in North Carolina General Statutes Section 84-18.1. The procedure, but not the manner or method of conducting the vote, to submit nominations to the governor to fill vacancies on the district court bench is set forth in North Carolina General Statutes Section 7A-142. It is suggested that, for voting upon, and elections for, other district bar matters and issues, the district bars be permitted to adopt bylaws providing for procedures as may seem appropriate for each district bar. Such rules might address notice provisions, including how much notice is given and permissible methods of giving notice, what shall constitute a quorum (see footnote 2), and how any such election shall be conducted (including whether or not members must be present to vote, whether proxies will be permitted, whether or not absentee or some other form of mail ballot will be allowed and whether or not cumulative voting should be permitted when elections for multiple candidates or positions are being conducted).

2. Consistent with the comment contained in footnote 1, each district bar should be permitted to adopt bylaws providing for what shall constitute a quorum based upon each district bar's particular situation and circumstances. The above provision regarding quorum should be considered only as a a suggestion, and individual district bars may wish to provide that a different percentage of the membership shall constitute a quorum. Other methods of defining a quorum should also be permitted. For example, in certain of the larger district bars, any quorum based on a percentage of the membership, except for a very nominal percentage, may be difficult to attain. One alternate quorum provision might read as follows: A quorum shall be those present at any membership meeting for which proper notice was given.

3. The composition of the Nominating Committee set forth above is a suggestion only. The district bars may choose to constitute their nominating committees in a different manner, as for example, letting the committee consist of the three most immediate past presidents of the district bar who are still active members of the district bar as defined herein. Smaller district bars may choose to have no Nominating Committee and nominate and elect officers from the floor at the annual meeting of the district bar.

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